Friday 31 October 2014

First Post | Trisy

hai for the non-muslims :)
so this is my first ever blog, and thanks to my friend bcuz she introduced this "online diary" to me. so, i've been thinking to start a blog since forever but i was so busy with school, finals, projects, assignments, checkpoints and all. but now, everything is over, whats left at school is prom night/speech night and interhouse. but im not joining both of them i think. i'd rather stay home, laying on bed, watching tv dramas, and free wifi eheh.
okay, so too much of that. now lets start with an introduction of myself, people call me trisy/bat. actually only my close friends can call me 'bat', then idek what happen, everyone (even the ppl im not close with) started calling me bat. and the boys (were very mean) they said "why not butt?" haiyaa, they are so mean and they like to call ppl names and such.
so recently (1 month ago), i moved (its still in the same country), although its in the same country but its in a different state, and its far. i missed my friends, teachers, seniors, my school that i've been to since 7. *sigh*
but, look at the brightside, here at my new place, alot of things changed. and the things that changed turns into wonderful things. and i know my blog is pinky girly  girl theme but honestly its really cute and my favourite colour is blue, turquoise and pastels. i think i will be posting daily about my life adventures since school is almost over and holidays are around the corner so i think i have much more time to work on my blog
so i think, my post will end here. i'll update more about my life soon.
-xo, trisy